Why Verizon and Comcast Slow Down Netflix Speeds: Unveiling the Truth

Internet users have often complained about the slow streaming speeds of Netflix, especially those using Verizon and Comcast as their service providers. This has led to speculations and accusations of these ISPs intentionally throttling Netflix’s streaming speeds. But is there any truth to these allegations? Let’s delve into the matter and uncover the facts.

The Accusations

Netflix users have long accused Verizon and Comcast of intentionally slowing down their streaming speeds. This practice, known as throttling, is when an Internet Service Provider (ISP) intentionally slows down the internet speed for specific online services. The accusations gained momentum when Netflix itself claimed that these ISPs were throttling their service to force them into paying for better connectivity.

The ISPs’ Defense

Both Verizon and Comcast have vehemently denied these accusations. They argue that the slow streaming speeds are due to network congestion and not any deliberate action on their part. They claim that the high demand for Netflix’s bandwidth-intensive content often leads to network congestion, especially during peak hours, resulting in slower streaming speeds.

The Net Neutrality Angle

The issue of throttling is closely tied to the concept of net neutrality. Net neutrality is the principle that all internet traffic should be treated equally, without any discrimination or preference given to any particular type of content, website, platform, application, or user. If Verizon and Comcast were indeed throttling Netflix, it would be a clear violation of this principle.

The Evidence

Several studies and tests have been conducted to determine whether Verizon and Comcast are indeed throttling Netflix. While some of these studies have found evidence of throttling, others have not. The results are therefore inconclusive, and the truth remains elusive.

The Resolution

In 2014, Netflix agreed to pay both Verizon and Comcast for direct access to their networks, a move that was seen as a capitulation to the ISPs’ demands. Following this agreement, Netflix’s streaming speeds on these networks improved significantly. However, this has not put an end to the accusations of throttling, as many believe that the ISPs are still not providing the level of service that they should be.


While the accusations of Verizon and Comcast throttling Netflix continue to circulate, the truth remains a matter of debate. The issue is complex and involves various factors, including network congestion, net neutrality, and the commercial interests of the ISPs and Netflix. Until there is definitive proof one way or the other, the question of whether Verizon and Comcast are slowing down Netflix speeds will continue to be a contentious one.